I imagine a world where size-expansiveness is not a trend or an afterthought but a normalized part of the human experience. Bodies have been changing and fluctuating since the beginning of time, yet we are still advocating for the right to make spaces accessible and expansive for fat bodies, to make clothes that go beyond a 2X or 3X.
What Is A Memory of Your Body Changing? Reflecting Back To That Time, What Would You Say To Yourself?
Do you remember the day you realized that you were officially fat? That day at church when Sister So-and-So rudely mentioned that you “put on weight?” It was uncalled for and out of order considering you had no relationship with each other. You always knew that your body was changing, especially with the constant comments from your parents. You were never the fat one, even though you never felt skinny. I mean, you’ve been called fat since you were a preteen and but fat back then was a different concept than it is now. Your body has changed and that’s okay. It’s bigger now, more full-bodied. Body dysmorphia will make you see yourself in ways that aren’t the reality. You were never the same after that interaction, you officially became big. Since then, your body has been a topic of reference in the world, whether I’ve lost some weight or gained. Back then, I would have told you that it’s okay that you “put on weight,” you’re still the same Jonsaba and you’re still beautiful, no matter what size you are. However your body chooses to shift and evolve, remember to love your body in every stage it’s in. Love the body you’re in now, take care of it and watch it bloom.