A size-expansive world is where doctors and nurses treat us with dignity, seeing us as individuals who, like anyone else, are deserving of being heard, respected, and receiving responsive care.
What Is A Memory of Your Body Changing? Reflecting Back To That Time, What Would You Say To Yourself?
The lockdown was supposed to be a “thing of the past” but for me it represented a reminder of my body changing and how that informed my negative self-perception up until very recently. The world we once knew is no longer and there remains so much pain from that time that many of us still carry in different ways. I hadn’t even realized how much I was still holding onto before 2020 until my friends helped me this summer to release things I hadn't used in ages. At a material level, it was just clothing I no longer fit into, but symbolically, it represented my attachment to a version of myself that no longer existed. However, donating those items became a liberating moment for me and it was that day I began to accept my body. Today, I would tell my former self that I've always been worthy of self-love and that my community is here to remind me that I am enough (and then some, hehel!).